Thursday, October 21, 2010


Welcome to the Fete aux perles blog. I will be posting tips for bead and wire work among other things.
A bit about me, I started teaching myself about jewelry around the age of eight or so. I took my first class in the mid-90's when I learned circular peyote to make a medicine pouch. Then I took my second class when Sharlyn Miller came to Hawaii in about 2005 and taught her "10 trippy tricks" class. I wasn't happy with the way some of my wraps were coming out and asked her if there were any tricks to make them more perfect. She looked at my work, asked if I had ever taken classes before and when I told her that I was self taught, she raised her hand and said that if anyone needed help to talk to this gentleman. She also taught a half day ring class and I made about 8 rings in the time it took most of the students to make two.
I am currently living in Paris and offering beading parties to the English speaking community. (my French isn't good enough to deal with questions in French yet.)
If anyone is interested, I am thinking of offering classes in basic beading and wirework also. If you want to see the party website the link is:
I will post some pictures of my work in the future blogs.